Ted Grudowski

Award-Winning Video Production

Summer summary

Where did the time go?  It's September 30th, so I better write an update about summer now before its just a memory.  Needless to say it was busy, and I'm thankful that my calendar was full working with friends old and new.  I was happy to have a new client come on board, Seattle Children's Hospital, and I was thrilled to help them with the grand opening of a new urgent care clinic.  PBJS kept me busy editing for Sephora's annual conference, and it was off to Las Vegas to join the crew of Michael Murphy Productions making content for Amazon and Optimum Nutrition's partnership at the Mr. Olympia event. And Chris and Pat Cashman are at it again, with their new local late night show Up Late NW, and it was a crack up working with their guest, radio personality Danny Bonaduce.  Let's have a look at the photo evidence, shall we?

These body building types are brutal to work with!

These body building types are brutal to work with!

The Head Squish...body builder 1, video editor 0...

The Head Squish...body builder 1, video editor 0...

One of these things is not like the others...

One of these things is not like the others...

When Ted met Danny from the Partridge Family

When Ted met Danny from the Partridge Family

Shooting for Seattle Children's Hospital

Shooting for Seattle Children's Hospital

Vas ist das?  Hmmm, perhaps a hint of things to come...

Vas ist das?  Hmmm, perhaps a hint of things to come...

Spring Event Coverage

Wrapped a busy stretch of live event coverage this Spring, with the main events being an onsite editor at the Microsoft Convergence conference in Atlanta for PBJS, and field producer for a roaming video crew at Microsoft Ignite in Chicago for Mighty Media Studios.  Very rewarding to do the hard work on all the projects, and especially working with all the quality crews!

Our Mighty Media field crew at Ignite in Chicago, with Eric Browne, Dave Sorenson, and Nick Miller

Our Mighty Media field crew at Ignite in Chicago, with Eric Browne, Dave Sorenson, and Nick Miller

Standing in for talent during rehearsals for Microsoft's Modern Workplace, here with Joey Snow

Standing in for talent during rehearsals for Microsoft's Modern Workplace, here with Joey Snow

3D Music Video "Eventually They Melt" World Premiere Tonight!

Very excited for the first public showing of "Eventually They Melt", a 3D music video featuring music and performance by enigmatic Seattle artist London James and his partner in crime Patchman, at the Grand Illusion Cinema in Seattle, at 7pm.  It's been a labor of love and much toiling to develop this haunting yet humorous homage to the early music video genre.

As always, 3D glasses will be provided.

Stay tuned for future showings soon...

If one is good, three must be better...

If one is good, three must be better...

New projects completed

You hear that?  That's the sound of me exhaling after a long busy stretch completing several new projects to finish out the first quarter of 2015.  Let me show you...

I produced, directed and edited a case study for the Microsoft Azure team.  With an expert crew on location at the Pacific Northwest Seismic Network on the University of Washington campus.

I edited coverage of the Microsoft Convergence 2015 conference in Atlanta.  This was my view for five full days (the beer was a welcome temporary addition at the end of the fourth twelve hour day while One Direction was playing in the arena, or as I called it the room next door.)

I shot a hilarious skit with Chris Cashman for an episode of The [206] . Here is the skit being shown at the live taping in Seattle.

Last but certainly not least, I wrapped up an ongoing project for Conservation Northwest, creating a video about their success in getting wildlife crossings included in highway improvements at Snoqualmie Pass.  It was featured at the annual auction last night, and I was very appreciate of the love, and hope it contributed to a successful and lucrative auction. Check it out on my Vimeo page.

Shooting the city skyline with I-90 in the foreground for the auction video, which didn't make the final cut, but was a fun shooting day anyhow.

There were other completed projects that will show up soon on other pages of this site.

© Copyright 2024 Ted Grudowski.  All rights reserved.